7 Tips to Prepare Your Home for Winter

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Rug Doctor machines cannot be used for flooding purposes

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Mar 27, 2018

7 Tips to Prepare Your Home for Winter

During the autumn months there are a few important tasks that should be done around the home to prepare for winter.

Clean Gutters and Clear Drains

Autumn leaves can clog up the gutters and drains. Before the winter rain sets in clear them to avoid any leaks or overflow from happening.

Clean Heat Pump Filters

With most heat pumps you can easily access the filter screen at the front of the unit. To clean, place filter in the bath with a little water and use a soft scrubbing brush to remove the dust, then rinse with clean water and place in the sun to dry.

Check Seals around Windows and Doors

Drafts can make your home harder to heat, and also raise the cost of your power bill. So before winter, check your windows and doors for gaps and cold drafts. Use weather seal tape around the trim of any windows and doors as needed.

Swap Around your Wardrobe

Often we have to many clothes in our wardrobe as it is. A good way to prepare your closet for winter is to move your summer clothes into storage or to the back and bring all your winter coats and warmer clothes to the front.

Clean the Carpets

Autumn is a good time to clean your carpets to freshen up the house before the cooler months set in, when doors and windows are mainly kept shut.

Put Away Outdoor Furniture

If you have outdoor furniture that you know won’t get used over the winter months, put it out of the weather to keep it in good condition, or if you don’t have the storage space, a furniture cover is a good idea.

Prune Trees 

If you have any overhanging trees against the house or nearby power lines, make sure branches are trimmed back to avoid any possible damages.

Gina Gibbs

Author: Gina Gibbs

Gina is the Business Manager at Rug Doctor NZ. With over 20 years at Rug Doctor, she's dedicated to helping New Zealanders keep their homes clean and healthy. Outside of work, Gina enjoys hiking, reading, and enjoying Vietnamese and Asian fusion cuisine. Oh, and let's not forget her expertise in cleaning up after everyone, especially her two kids!