How to be the Best Flatmate Ever!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Rug Doctor machines cannot be used for flooding purposes

Blog How to be the best flatmate ever

Mar 14, 2018

How to be the Best Flatmate Ever!

If you have never lived out of home before and are new to flatting then this article is for you! Here at Rug Doctor we pride ourselves on clean and efficient living, and with a few handy tips from the experts you can soar from rookie roomie to favourite flatmate in no time at all!

Always Tidy up After Yourself

Your mother isn’t going to clean up after you once you move out of home, so be conscious to not leave a trail behind you. Don’t leave dirty dishes lying around, clean them or load them in the dish washer as soon as you’re done with them. Don’t leave your dirty laundry in the bathroom, or items of clothing lying around the house. Your bedroom is your personal space, so if want to create a mess this is the place to do it.

Pay Your Bills on Time

You’re flat may have a shared account that money for bills goes into or the bills might be divided up and then paid to a nominated flatmate who is responsible for paying the outgoings. It is very important you set up a designated bank account to ensure you have the money to cover your share of the bills when they are due. Don’t pay late, as someone else will have to cover your cost, or you may get penalty fees from some companies for late payments.

Do Your Bit 

Unfortunately the house won’t clean itself! If there is no housework plan in place, an easy way to avoid conflict over cleaning, is to divide the house into zones between you and your flatmates so each person in the flat is responsible for cleaning an area of the house each week. Eg. Lounge, Dining, Bathroom and vacuuming/mopping. (The kitchen should generally be a ‘clean as you go’ area).

Rubbish and Recycling 

Create a weekly roster and pin it to the fridge. That way everyone will know when it is there turn to take out the rubbish and recycling. Alternatively it could be made into an assigned zone as part of the weekly housework plan.

Be Kind 

Last of all, don’t be difficult. Living with other people can be challenging at times, as everyone has different personalities. Remember to try your best to be easy going, thoughtful and considerate of others.

If you follow these guidelines you will have the favourite flatmate badge in no time!