Entertainment Cleaning Guide: BBQ Blunders & Cleaning Catastrophes

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Sep 28, 2019

Entertainment Cleaning Guide: BBQ Blunders & Cleaning Catastrophes

It's that time of year again. Daylight saving is just around the corner, which means a whole lot more sun, barbecues and friends over for dinner to celebrate the warmer weather.

However, if you're an entertainer at heart you probably already know with throwing a good party comes the inevitable clean-up and dealing with the accidents that go hand in hand with a tonne of food and drinks.

So how can you be prepared, and what should you do if a barbecue blunder or cleaning catastrophe occurs?

We've put together a quick list of tips to make sure that all of your warm-weather entertaining goes swimmingly, both before and after the party. Enjoy!

Cleaning & Preparation BEFORE a Party

If you know you have guests coming around for a night of entertainment, some of the best work towards keeping your home spick and span happens before your visitors even arrive. Here are a few little entertaining tips and tricks you can put to good use before the party.

1.  Embrace table cloths

There's nothing worse than spending your evening panicking that there are watermark rings being left on your brand new, wooden table top, or that a red wine stain is going to make it's way into the cracks and grooves of your dining room table. A really quick way to make sure you're safe form any table-top mishaps, is to invest in a few tablecloths. Any spills or mishaps are no problem - simply clear away the table cloth and pop it in the washing machine. Easy.

2.  Rally the recycling bins

If you're planning on having a few drinks at your shindig, the best piece of advice we can offer is to have bin bags ready and in plain sight for any rubbish, and your recycling bins positioned near by so your guests can easily dispose of their used cans and bottles. If people can see where their rubbish is meant to go, the more likely they'll be respectful and do the right thing, plus, it'll save you a whole lot of time in the morning.

3.  Plan for a mountain of dishes

Once upon a time, it was an awesome idea to simply use plastic plates to avoid doing a tonne of dishes after a party. But, these day's if you're looking for a more environmentally friendly approach, all the while saving yourself elbow grease the next day, we'd recommend some dish-washing prep. That means emptying the dishwasher before guests arrive, so they can put their used dishes straight in. Or, alternatively fill your sink or a tub with hot soapy water, and encourage guests to place their used dishes there. You'll avoid stacks of dirty plates, everything will be rinsed and ready for a hand wash.

4.  Move as much as you can outside

If you have a nice sunny day on your hands, and enough of an area (maybe a deck or lawn) for entertainment, why not make the most of it? We'd recommend moving as much as you can of your party outdoors. Whether that means creating a makeshift bar on an outdoor table, or moving your seating on to the deck, if it's outdoors you don't have to worry about spills and stains

Cleaning AFTER a Party: The Cheat-sheet

5.  Clean up those Water Rings from your Table Top

If you didn't use the table cloth trick we mentioned above and you've now woken up the the next morning to discover that there are water marks on your table from drinks the night before. Don't panic. Grab your non-gel toothpaste and rub it onto the water ring, then buff with a clean cloth. Simple as that, the water ring will disappear.

6.  Pick up broken glass without a single cut

Sometimes if things get a little wild, accidents do happen. There's nothing more difficult than trying to pick up 100 shards of glass from a carpet so not to accidentally hurt any passers-by. Fortunately, there's a handy trick to get this all done and dusted without a single scratch. Begin by sweeping up as much as you can with a dustpan, then follow up by using a piece of bread to dab up the smaller pieces of glass. Crazy, we know, but it works!

7.  How to remove melted candle wax

Maybe you were setting the ambience at the dinner table, or maybe you were going for a little mood lighting at your event - if there were candles involved, chances are that a little wax has dripped and hardened where it shouldn't have. Luckily, all you need to do is put a few ice cubes in a plastic bag, then rest the bag on top of the cooled wax. After a few minutes the wax will become brittle and you'll be able to peel it straight off.

8.  Quickly remove carpet stains

If the dreaded occurs and there's a red wine spill on the carpet, don't worry, there is a way to fix it! Grab a bottle of Rug Doctor Spot Remover, and follow the steps below:

  1. Remove any excess liquid by gently blotting the stain with an absorbent paper towel. It's important to be gentle here, so not to spread the stain or push it further down into the pile.
  2. Lightly spray a small amount of Spot Remover onto the effected area. Make sure you don't over-saturate the patch of carpet - less is more.
  3. Gently agitate with a clean cloth. It's important to work from the edges of the stain towards the centre, to ensure you get every spot and you don't spread the stain.
  4. Rinse and repeat with your cloth dampened with clean water. You want to aim to get rid of any extra product so no product residue is left behind. If your cloth is looking a little dirty, grab a clean one!

If you need a little extra help, check out our video on removing acidic based carpet stains.

Want to keep your home clean, after the party?

No problem! Download your FREE copy of the home maintenance guide and keep your home neat and tidy all year round.


Gina Gibbs

Author: Gina Gibbs

Gina is the Business Manager at Rug Doctor NZ. With over 20 years at Rug Doctor, she's dedicated to helping New Zealanders keep their homes clean and healthy. Outside of work, Gina enjoys hiking, reading, and enjoying Vietnamese and Asian fusion cuisine. Oh, and let's not forget her expertise in cleaning up after everyone, especially her two kids!