6 Tips For a Perfect Road Trip

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Rug Doctor machines cannot be used for flooding purposes

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Feb 28, 2019

6 Tips For a Perfect Road Trip

No matter where you live, road trips are one of the best ways to create memories. It's an unforgettable combination of scenery, adventure, community, and unashamed singing along to the stereo.

The key to a great roadie is to plan things ahead of time, which will save you stress during the trip and hopefully allow you to see more along the way!

Here's how to get the best out of your road trip.

1.  Check the vehicle

Make sure the fuel tank is full and the tyres have the right air pressure. Also, keep jumper cables handy (and don't forget to learn how to use them) to jump start your car.

Knowing how to change a tyre can also be a handy piece of knowledge to keep up your sleeve too! 

Apart from this, also check the wipers, lights, brake pads and engine oil.

In short, bring out your inner car-mechanic and ensure the vehicle is road ready!

2.  Plan your route beforehand

Unless you're someone who enjoys getting lost in unfamiliar places, planning a route before you head off is absolutely essential. You don't want to lose valuable holiday time backtracking or driving around aimlessly in search of your destination.

You'll most likely use Google Maps for navigation, but did you know that you can also download an offline version of Google Maps? This is especially helpful in case you reach a location where the 4G connection isn't the best, so you can make sure you are able to stay on the right track.

(You might also like: 7 Must-Visit Fishing Spots in New Zealand)

3.  Pack the right snacks

Before you choose what snacks to pack, you should consider the length of your journey and whether the food will stay fresh throughout the trip or not.

Yes, chips and chocolate bars are good, but there are some relatively healthier options that you might want to consider.

Here are some of the best snacks for road trips:

  • Muesli bars (or nut bars) - cost effective, delicious and full of energy.
  • Bliss balls - healthy and loaded with heaps of nutrients.
  • Falafel patties - protein-rich; great option during the winter.
  • Dried fruits - to keep you energetic during those long drives.
  • Nuts - for the healthy fats.
  • Fruits - all natural; try and consume them in the beginning of the journey when they're fresh.
  • Popcorn - still a treat, but healthier than a packet of chips!

4.  Carry emergency supplies with you

When it comes to long road trips, being proactive definitely helps. A potentially disappointing situation can be overturned if you have the right tools at your disposal.

Here are the tools you should carry on long drives:

  • Jumper cables - to jump-start your car when the battery's not in a good mood.
  • Flares - to signal if you need your fellow humans in the middle of nowhere.
  • Flashlight - to see clearly in the dark; can also be used to contact aliens.
  • First aid kit - you probably already have one in your car, just check if every item is still in a usable condition.
  • Radiator fluid - really handy during the hot Kiwi summer, helps keep the car cool.
  • Spare tyre - when you have a flat tyre, It will quite literally slow you down - always carry a spare one.

5.  Switch drivers

Have you ever returned home after a tiring long drive and felt like you need to rest or maybe have a little nap? It's necessary for drivers to stay hydrated, well-fed and last but not least, awake!

Remember that on long distance drives sharing is caring! Share the driving to keep safe from fatigue, and take your turn to sit back and enjoy the music.

6.  Keep your car clean

A great idea over the summer months is to keep a plastic box in boot of your car, this is fantastic to carry wet towels, togs and sandy shoes.

Also, if you want to carry all those delicious snacks mentioned above, you should have a small rubbish bin as well because you're a responsible, proactive cleaner.

Once you get back home, you can easily clean up any mess or stains with the Rug Doctor Machine & hand tool connection.

You can easily find your nearest Rug Doctor Machine using our free store locator.